7.6. Error Control and Variable Step Sizes#


The Basic ODE Initial Value Problem#

We consider again the initial value problem

\[ \frac{d u}{d t} = f(t, u) \quad a \leq t \leq b, \quad u(a) = u_0 \]

We now allow the possibility that \(u\) and \(f\) are vector-valued as in the section Systems of ODEs and Higher Order ODEs, but omitting the tilde notation \(\tilde u\), \(\tilde f\).

Error Control by Varying the Time Step Size \(h_i\)#

Recall the variable step-size version of Euler’s method:

Algorithm 7.4

Input: \(f\), \(a\), \(b\), \(n\)

\(t_0 = a\)
\(U_0 = u_0\)
\(h = (b-a)/n\)
for i in \([0, n)\):
\(\qquad\) Choose step size \(h_i\) somehow!
\(\qquad\) \(t_{i+1} = t_i + h_i\)
\(\qquad\) \(U_{i+1} = U_i + h_i f(t_i, U_i)\)

We now consider how to choose each step size, by estimating the error in each step, and aiming to have error per unit time below some limit like \(\epsilon/(b-a)\), so that the global error is no more than about \(\epsilon\).

As usual, the theoretical error bounds like \(O(h_i^2)\) for a single step of Euler’s method are not enough for quantitative tasks like choosing \(h_i\), but they do motivate more practical estimates.

A crude error estimate for Euler’s Method: Richardson Extrapolation#

Starting at a point (t, u(t)), we can estimate the error in Euler’s method approximato at a slightly later time \(t_i + h\) by using two approximations of \(U(t + h)\):

  • The value given by a step of Euler’s method with step size \(h\): call this \(U^{h}\)

  • The value given by taking two steps of Euler’s method each with step size \(h/2\): call this \(U_2^{h/2}\), because it involves 2 steps of size \(h/2\).

The first order accuracy of Euler’s method gives \(e_h = u(t+h) - U^{h} \approx 2(u(t+h) - U_2^{h/2})\), so that

\[e_h \approx \frac{U_2^{h/2} - U^{h}}{2}\]

Step size choice#

What do we do with this error information?

The first obvious ideas are:

  • Accept this step if \(e_h\) is small enough, taking \(h_i = h\), \(t_{i+1} = t_i + h_i\), and \(U_{i+1} = U^h\), but

  • reject it and try again with a smaller \(h\) value otherwise; maybe halving \(h\); but there are more sophisticated options too.

See Exercise 1.

Error tolerance#

One simple criterion for accuracy is that the estimated error in this step be no more than some overall upper limit on the error in each time step, \(T\). That is, accept the step size \(h\) if

\[|e_h| \leq T\]

A crude approach to reducing the step size when needed#

If this error tolerance is not met, we must choose a new step size \(h'\), and we can predict roughly its error behavior using the known order natue of the error in Euler’s method: scaling dowen to \(h' = s h\), the error in a single step scales with \(h^2\) (in general it scales with \(h^{p+1}\) for a method of order \(p\)), and so to reduce the error by the needed factor \(\displaystyle \frac{e_h}{T}\) one needs approximately

\[ s^2 = \frac{T}{|e_h|} \]

and so using \(e_h \approx \tilde{e}_h = |U^{h/2} - U^{h}|\) suggests using

\[ s = \left( \frac{T}{|U^{h/2} - U^{h}|} \right)^{1/2} \]

However this new step size might have error that is still slightly too large, leading to a second failure. Another is that one might get into an infinite loop of step size reduction.

So refinements of this choice must be considered.

Increasing the step size when desirable#

If we simply follow the above aproach, the step size, once reduced, will never be increased. This could lead to great inefficiency, through using an unecessarily small step size just because at an earlier part of the time domain, accuracy required very small steps.

Thus, after a successful time step, one might consider increasing \(h\) for the next step. This could be done using exactly the above formula, but again there are risks, so again refinement of this choice must be considered.

One problem is that if the step size gets too large, the error estimate can become unreliable; another is that one might need some minimum “temporal resolution”, for nice graphs and such.

Both suggest imposing an upper limit on the step size \(h\).

The explicit trapezoid method with error control#

In practice, one usually needs at least second order accuracy, and one approach to that is using computing a “candidates” for the next time step with a second order accurate Runge-Kutta method and also a third order accurate one, the latter used only to get an error estimate for the former.

Perhaps the simplest of these is based on adding error estimation to the Explicit Trapezoid Rule. Omitting the step size adjustment for now, the main ingredients are:

Algorithm 7.7

\(K_1 = h f(t, U)\)
\(K_2 = h f(t + h, U + K_1)\)
(So far, as for the explicit trapezoid method)

\(K_3 = h f(t + h/2, U + (K_1 + K_2)/4)\)
(a midpoint approximation, using the above)

\(\delta_2 = (K_1 + K_2)/2\)
(The order 2 increment as for the explicit trapezoid method)

\(\delta_3 = (K_1 + 4 K_3 + K_2)/6\)
(An order 3 increment — note the resemblance to Simpson’s Rule for integration. This is only used to get the final error estimate below)

\(e_h = |\delta_2 - \delta_3 |, \, = |K_1 -2 K_3 + K_2|/3\)

Again, if this step is accepted, one uses the explicit trapezoid rule step: \(U_{i+1} = U_i + \delta_2\).

Step size adjustment#

The scale factor \(s\) for step size adjustment must be modified for a method order \(p\) (with \(p=2\) now):

  • Changing step size by a factor \(s\) will change the error \(e_h\) in a single time step by a factor of about \(s^{p+1}\).

  • Thus, we want a new step with this rescaled error of about \(s^{p+1} e_h\) roughly matching the tolerance \(T\). Equating would give \(s^{p+1} e_h = T\), so \(s = (T/e_h))^{1/(p+1)}\), but as noted above, since we are using only an approximation \(\tilde{e}_h\) of \(e_h\) it is typical to include a “safety factor” of about \(0.9\), so something like

\[s = 0.9 \left( \frac{T}{|\tilde{e}_h|} \right)^{1/(p+1)}\]

Thus for this second order accurate method, we then get

\[s = 0.9 \left( \frac{3 T}{|K_1 -2 K_3 + K_2|} \right)^{1/3}\]

A variant: relative error control

One final refinement: it is more common in software to impose a relative error bound: aiming for \(|e_h/u(t)| \leq T\), or \(|e_h| \leq T|u(t)|\). Approximating \(u(t)\) by \(U_i\), this changes the step size rescaling guideline to

\[s = 0.9 \left| \frac{T U_i}{\tilde{e}_h} \right|^{1/(p+1)}\]

See Exercise 3

Fourth order accurate methods with error control: Runge-Kutta-Felberg and some newer refinements#

The details involve some messy coefficients; see the references above for those.

The basic idea is to devise a fifth order accurate Runge-Kutta method such that we can also get a fourth order accurate method from the same colection of stages \(K_i\) values. One catch is that any such fifth order method requires six stages (not five as you might have guessed).

The first such method, still widely used, is the Runge-Kutta-Felberg Method published by Erwin Fehlberg in 1970:

Algorithm 7.8 (RUnge-Kutta-Fehlberg)

\(K_1 = h f(t, U)\)
\(K_2 = f(t + \frac{1}{4}h, U + K_1/4)\)
\(K_3 = f(t + \frac{3}{8} h, U + \frac{3}{32} K_1 + \frac{9}{32} K_2)\)
\(K_4 = f(t + \frac{12}{13} h, U + \frac{1932}{2197} K_1 - \frac{7200}{2197} K_2 + \frac{7296}{2197} K_3)\)
\(K_5 = f(t + h, U + \frac{439}{216} K_1 - 8 K_2 + \frac{3680}{2565} K_3 - \frac{845}{4104} K_4)\)
\(K_6 = f(t + \frac{1}{2}h, U - \frac{8}{27} K_1 + 2 K_2 - \frac{3544}{513} K_3 + \frac{1859}{4104} K_4 - \frac{11}{40} K_5)\)
\(\delta_4 = \frac{25}{216} K_1 + \frac{1408}{2565} K_3 + \frac{2197}{4104} K_4 - \frac{1}{5} K_5\)
(The order 4 increment that will actually be used)

\(\delta_5 = \frac{16}{135} K_1 + \frac{6656}{12825} K_3 + \frac{28561}{56430} K_4 - \frac{9}{50} K_5 + \frac{2}{55} K_6\)
(The order 5 increment, used only to get the following error estimate)

\(\tilde{e}_h = \frac{1}{360} K_1 - \frac{128}{4275} K_3 + \frac{2197}{75240} K_4 + \frac{1}{50} K_5 + \frac{2}{55} K_6\)

This method is typically used with the relative error control mentioned above, and since the order is \(p=4\), the recommended step-size rescaling factor is

\[s = 0.9 \left| \frac{T U_i}{\tilde{e}_h} \right|^{1/5}, = 0.9 \left| \frac{T U_i}{\frac{1}{360} K_1 - \frac{128}{4275} K_3 + \frac{2197}{75240} K_4 + \frac{1}{50} K_5 + \frac{2}{55} K_6} \right|^{1/5}, \]

ODE solvers in Julia package DifferentialEquations#

Newer software often uses variants such as the method of Dormand–Prince method published in 1980 or that of Tsitouras published in 2011.

These (and many others) are available in the Julia package DifferentialEquations as DP5 and Tsit45 respectively.

Example using package DifferentialEquations#

To be added.


Exercise 1#

Write a formula for \(U_h\) and \(e_h\) if one starts from the point \((t_i, U_i)\), so that \((t_i + h, U^h)\) is the proposed value for the next point \((t_{i+1}, U_{i+1})\) in the approximate solution — but only if \(e_h\) is small enough!

Exercise 2#

Implement Algorithm 7.6, and test on the two familiar examples

\[\begin{split} \begin{split} du/dt &= Ku \\ &\text{and} \\ du/dt &= K(\cos(t) - u) - \sin(t) \end{split} \end{split}\]

(\(K=1\) is enough.)

Exercise 3#

Implement the explicit trapezoid method with error control as sketched out in Algorithm 7.7, and test on the two familiar examples

\[\begin{split} \begin{split} du/dt &= K u \\ &\text{and} \\ du/dt &= K(\cos(t) - u) - \sin(t) \end{split} \end{split}\]

(\(K = 1\) is enough.)

Partial Solution to Exercise 2#

using PyPlot
using LinearAlgebra: norm
import Base: round
round(x,n) = round(x,sigdigits=n);
function eulermethod_errorcontrol(f, a, b, u_0; errortolerance=1e-3, h_min=1e-6, h_max=0.1, steps_max=1000, demomode=false)
    steps = 0
    t_i = a
    U_i = u_0
    t = [t_i]
    U = [U_i]
    h = h_max  # Start optimistically!
    while t_i < b && steps < steps_max
        K_1 = h*f(t_i, U_i)
        K_2 = h*f(t_i + h/2, U_i + K_1/2)
        errorestimate = abs(K_1 - K_2)
        s = 0.9 * sqrt(errortolerance/errorestimate)
        if errorestimate <= errortolerance  # Success!
            t_i += h
            U_i += K_1
            append!(t, t_i)
            append!(U, U_i)
            # Adjust step size up, but not too big
            h = min(s*h, h_max)
        else  # Innacurate; reduce step size and try again
            h = max(s*h, h_min)
            if demomode
                println("t_i=$t_i: Decreasing step size to $(round(h,4)) and trying again.")
        # A refinement not mentioned above; the next step should not overshoot t=b:
        if t_i + h > b
            h = b - t_i
        steps += 1
    return (t, U)
    # Note: if the step count ran out, this does not reach t=b, but at least it is correct as far as it goes
f(t, u) = K*u;
a = 1.0
b = 3.0
u_0 = 2.0
K = 1.0
u(t) = u_0*exp(K*(t-a));
errortolerance = 1e-2
time_start = time()
(t, U) = eulermethod_errorcontrol(f, a, b, u_0; errortolerance=errortolerance, demomode=true)
time_end = time()
time_elapsed = time_end - time_start

steps = length(U) - 1
h_ave = (b-a)/steps
U_exact = u.(t)
U_error = U_exact - U
U_max = norm(U_error, Inf)
println("With error tolerance $errortolerance, this took $steps time steps, of average length $(round(h_ave,4))")
println("The maximum absolute error is $(round(U_max,4))")
println("The maximum absolute error per time step is $(round(U_max/steps,4))")
println("The time taken to solve was $(round(time_elapsed,4)) seconds")

title("Solution to du/dt=$(K)u, u($a)=$u_0")
plot(t, U, ".:")

title("Error in the above")
plot(t, U_error, ".:")
t_i=1.0: Decreasing step size to 0.09 and trying again.

With error tolerance 0.01, this took 36 time steps, of average length 0.05556
The maximum absolute error is 0.8311
The maximum absolute error per time step is 0.02309
The time taken to solve was 0.1013 seconds
../_images/ODE-IVP-5-error-control_37_1.png ../_images/ODE-IVP-5-error-control_37_2.png
errortolerance = 1e-3
time_start = time()
(t, U) = eulermethod_errorcontrol(f, a, b, u_0; errortolerance=errortolerance, demomode=true)
time_end = time()
time_elapsed = time_end - time_start

steps = length(U) - 1
h_ave = (b-a)/steps
U_exact = u.(t)
U_error = U_exact - U
U_max = norm(U_error, Inf)
println("With error tolerance $errortolerance, this took $steps time steps, of average length $(round(h_ave,4))")
println("The maximum absolute error is $(round(U_max,4))")
println("The maximum absolute error per time step is $(round(U_max/steps,4))")
println("The time taken to solve was $(round(time_elapsed,4)) seconds")

title("Solution to du/dt=$(K)u, u($a)=$u_0")
plot(t, U, ".:")

title("Error in the above")
plot(t, U_error, ".:")
t_i=1.0: Decreasing step size to 0.02846 and trying again.

With error tolerance 0.001, this took 119 time steps, of average length 0.01681
The maximum absolute error is 0.2648
The maximum absolute error per time step is 0.002225
The time taken to solve was 0.000737 seconds
../_images/ODE-IVP-5-error-control_38_1.png ../_images/ODE-IVP-5-error-control_38_2.png
errortolerance = 1e-4
time_start = time()
(t, U) = eulermethod_errorcontrol(f, a, b, u_0; errortolerance=errortolerance, demomode=true)
time_end = time()
time_elapsed = time_end - time_start

steps = length(U) - 1
h_ave = (b-a)/steps
U_exact = u.(t)
U_error = U_exact - U
U_max = norm(U_error, Inf)
println("With error tolerance $errortolerance, this took $steps time steps, of average length $(round(h_ave,4))")
println("The maximum absolute error is $(round(U_max,4))")
println("The maximum absolute error per time step is $(round(U_max/steps,4))")
println("The time taken to solve was $(round(time_elapsed,4)) seconds")

title("Solution to du/dt=$(K)u, u($a)=$u_0")
plot(t, U)

title("Error in the above")
plot(t, U_error)
t_i=1.0: Decreasing step size to 0.009 and trying again.

With error tolerance 0.0001, this took 380 time steps, of average length 0.005263
The maximum absolute error is 0.08398
The maximum absolute error per time step is 0.000221
The time taken to solve was 0.00068 seconds
../_images/ODE-IVP-5-error-control_39_1.png ../_images/ODE-IVP-5-error-control_39_2.png