Module root_finding

Module generated from eponymous notebook.

Author: Brenton LeMesurier, and

Last Revised: February 25, 2021

A collection of functions for rootfinding, as used for example in MATH375 Assignments 2 and 3.

import numpy as np
def bisection(f, a, b, errorTolerance, maxIterations=100, demoMode=False):
    """Solve f(x) = 0 to within absolute error errorTolerance by the Bisection Method,
    but avoiding infinite loops by giving up after maxIterations iterations.
    Note: There is an optional input parameter "demoMode" which controls whether to
    - print intermediate results (for "study" purposes), or to
    - work silently (for "production" use).
    functionEvaluations = 0
    # Whenever a  (resp. c) is updated, also update fa (resp. fc).
    fa = f(a)
    functionEvaluations += 1
    for iteration in range(1, maxIterations):
        c = (a + b)/2
        fc = f(c)
        functionEvaluations += 1
        if fa * fc < 0:
            b = c
            a = c
            fa = fc  # Copy rather than redundantly evaluating f(a) for the new a, which is the old c
        errorBound = (b-a)/2
        if demoMode: print(f"{iteration=}, approximate root {c}, {errorBound=:0.3}")
        if errorBound <= errorTolerance: break
    root = c             
    return (root, errorBound, iteration, functionEvaluations)
def newton(f, Df, x0, errorTolerance, maxIterations=100, demoMode=False):
    Solve f(x) = 0 to within absolute error errorTolerance by Newton's Method
    but avoiding infinite loops by giving up after maxIterations iterations.
    Note: There is an optional input parameter "demoMode" which controls whether to
    - print intermediate results (for "study" purposes), or to
    - work silently (for "production" use).
    The default is silence.
    functionEvaluations = 0
    x = x0
    for iteration in range(1, maxIterations + 1):
        fx = f(x)
        Dfx = Df(x)
        functionEvaluations += 2
        # Note: a more careful, robust code would check for the possibility of division by zero here.
        dx = fx/Dfx
        x -= dx  # Aside: this is shorthand for "x = x - dx"
        errorEstimate = abs(dx)
        if demoMode: print(f"{iteration=}, {x=}, {errorEstimate=:0.3}")
        if errorEstimate <= errorTolerance: break
    return (x, errorEstimate, iteration, functionEvaluations)
def fpi(g, x_0, errorTolerance=1e-6, maxIterations=20, demoMode=False):
    """Fixed point iteration for approximately solving x = f(x),
    x_0: the initial value
    x = x_0
    for iteration in range(maxIterations):
        x_new = g(x)
        errorEstimate = np.abs(x_new - x)
        x = x_new
        if demoMode: print(f"x_{iteration} = {x}, {errorEstimate=:0.3}")
        if errorEstimate <= errorTolerance: break
    return (x, errorEstimate)
def false_position(f, a, b, errorTolerance=1e-15, maxIterations=15, demoMode=False):
    """Solve f(x)=0 in the interval [a, b] by the Method of False Position.
    This code also illustrates a few ideas that I encourage, such as:
    - Avoiding infinite loops, by using for loops sand break
    - Avoiding repeated evaluation of the same quantity
    - Use of descriptive variable names
    - Use of "camelCase" to turn descriptive phrases into valid Python variable names
    - An optional "demonstration mode" to display intermediate results.
    fa = f(a)
    fb = f(b)
    functionEvaluations = 2
    for iteration in range(1, maxIterations+1):
        if demoMode: print(f"\nIteration {iteration}:")
        c = (a * fb - fa * b)/(fb - fa)
        fc = f(c)
        functionEvaluations += 1
        if fa * fc < 0:
            b = c
            fb = fc  # N.B. When b is updated, so must be fb = f(b)
            a = c
            fa = fc
        errorBound = b - a
        if demoMode:
            print(f"The root is in interval [{a}, {b}]")
            print(f"The new approximation is {c}, with error bound {errorBound:0.3}, backward error {abs(fc):0.3}")
        if errorBound < errorTolerance: break
    # Whether we got here due to accuracy of running out of iterations,
    # return the information we have, including an error bound:
    root = c  # the newest value is probably the most accurate
    iterations = iteration
    return (root, errorBound, iterations, functionEvaluations)
def secant(f, a, b, errorTolerance=1e-15, maxIterations=15, demoMode=False):
    """Solve f(x)=0 in the interval [a, b] by the Secant Method."""
    # Some more descriptive names
    x_older = a
    x_more_recent = b
    f_x_older = f(x_older)
    f_x_more_recent = f(x_more_recent)
    functionEvaluations = 2
    for iteration in range(1, maxIterations+1):
        x_new = (x_older * f_x_more_recent - f_x_older * x_more_recent)/(f_x_more_recent - f_x_older)
        f_x_new = f(x_new)
        functionEvaluations += 1
        (x_older, x_more_recent) = (x_more_recent, x_new)
        (f_x_older, f_x_more_recent) = (f_x_more_recent, f_x_new)
        errorEstimate = abs(x_older - x_more_recent)
        if demoMode: print(f"{iteration=}, x={x_more_recent}, {errorEstimate=:0.3}")
        if errorEstimate < errorTolerance: break
    # Whether we got here due to accuracy of running out of iterations,
    # return the information we have, including an error estimate:
    root = x_new
    iterations = iteration
    return (root, errorEstimate, iterations, functionEvaluations)

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